TITLE:                               Dreams with snakes


AUTHOR:                         Sonia García García

ISBN:                                 9 798563 918071

FIRST EDITION:             2017 (Italy)

COUNTRY:      Spain / México

LANGUAGES:  Spanish, Italian

SYNOPSIS: Sonia's poems are an endless conversation with his most intimate being, between the silences and pauses that steal from daily life. Only by looking at herself, wrapped up by her sometimes painful, sometimes gentle and pleasant history, reconciling herself, has she been able to reach this literary and poetic moment of her life. In these poems we find fragments of his life, embedded with the force of a resurrected, reconstructed woman. The rhythm and cadence of the verses refer us to the stories of our original peoples, as if we felt narrating the myths and legends that speak of the origin of the times, in which the narrative is circular, paused, long; and where the repetition of words is not that, but an echo, which may well be the beginning or end of the story.

"I was the dream again; the dream was all I was again." Which is resonating with its own voice in our ears and heart. (Lourdes Hernández Quiñones).


RIGHTS CONTACT: BiblioMusiCineteca Edicions

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