Check out this book at Booth Number 5.0 B122 - FRANKFURTER BUCHMESSE October 18-22, 2023

TITLE: Segunda Antología de Expertos de Empodérate, Tú Puedes


AUTHORS: Adriana Rodríguez, Adriana Santos, Alba Luz Bejarano, Alba Orozco, Argelia Cano, Carmen Lozano, Carolina Mojica, Denisse Vallarino, Diego Salazar, Elizabeth Franck, Erika Aguirre, Evelyn Salazar, Gabriela Soifer, Hilda Acevedo, Horacio Saavedra, Lettsy Cano, Luis Gonzalez, María Valladares, Martha Verdugo, Mildred Medina, Mónica Mermelstein, Myrna Gómez, Nery Alcocer Novelo, Oleda Maldonado, Paloma Moset, Perla Romo, Rebeca Ascona, Tere Yáñez, Velia Romo, Verónica Heuser, Viviana Barnwell, Viviana Moncayo, Yolanda Gonzáles Yolanda Romero.



ISBN: 9798374942163






Empower yourself, You Can is an international organization that over five years has created a collaboration network among the Spanish-speaking community of the world with the goal of empowering and promoting entrepreneurship, thus creating a society aware of its capabilities, more purposeful and willing. To the change.
The second Anthology of Experts from Empodérate, Tú Podemos is an alliance of 34 professionals, where each one contributes a chapter or part of one to create a wonderful final product.
Each story has a very powerful message to help you transcend the following axes: Health and Wellbeing, Metaphysics, Business, Psychology and Sustainability. Each chapter is accompanied by a photo of the Expert, an exercise and an epigraph of his/her authorship relevant to the narrative and two QR codes that when scanning the first code will put you in contact with the Expert and you can ask him/her for additional information about his/her services, or Well, follow him on his social networks. The second code makes it become a smart book where you can have direct contact with the Expert and you can see and hear some lines from each of them.
On the cover of the second Anthology of Experts from Empodérate, Tú Podemos: The trunk of the tree is very thick because it represents all the years of experience accumulated by each one of them. The tree represents the wisdom of each of the co-authors and each leaf that symbolizes it has the shape of a heart because they left their heart in each chapter. The leaves fly with each Expert and bring their wisdom to each of the Spanish-speaking readers. Man and woman allude to equality, balance, balance, diversity, respect and sustainability for all human and living beings. The helping hand from the top represents that all Leaders and Experts must help others go further. We can never leave anyone behind.
We hope that the second Empower Yourself, You Can Expert Anthology helps you continue believing in yourself and that you can transform the beliefs that limit you into beliefs that enable you; that you can activate the habit of thinking positively and that we are all capable of transforming complex moments into opportunities; May your leadership and spirituality flourish. Arm yourself with courage along the way with great enthusiasm, abundance and diversity of thought, tolerance and respect to balance different situations so that you can always create abundance, value and sustainable businesses; May you discover and nurture self-love, well-being and health, family love, soul friends and loyal companions.
Let your limiting beliefs fly because abundance, spirituality, health, business, sustainability and prosperity are for you; Modify your habits and create a clear plan to get to your new reality. Focus and take action! Always remember: "Your attitude will determine your altitude." Never leave a nobody behind. Always help your neighbor.
We hope you find the inspiration and motivation you need to achieve your new goals in this second Anthology of Experts.
With much gratitude,
The Authors


RIGHT CONTACT: Adriana Boersma-Rodriguez

WHATAPP: +31621234889




YOUTUBE: @EmpoderateTuPuedes