TITLE:                               RESILIENCE AT SCHOOL

SUBTITLE:                       A participatory action -research experience

AUTHOR:                         Cagnoli García García (Marinoli Totaxi)

ISBN:                                 9 788412-538298

FIRST EDITION:             2022

COUNTRY:                      Spain               

LANGUAGES:                 Spanish


SYNOPSIS: My stubbornness and the will to do what I propose, is that which gave me the strength, drive and motivation to do this book. After years of veiled depression, I have been able to find inside me the decision to convert this research into a text that provides, to whomever reads it, the possibility to find inside and promote resilience in the deep of the personal, scholar, family, and social.

I share with the reader part of my story in the first chapter of this book, so that he can see how it was plagued by risks, at the same time, great challenges by my constitution and strength. On the journey of my existence, I had people like my mother, father, grandmothers, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, son and daughter, teachers, friends and my life companions, who were significant people and great protective factors that made me rise in the moments of greatest adversity, increasing my resilience every day. That is why I wish to share this text with everyone.


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