TITLE:                               I WILL DIE WITH ME


AUTHOR:                         Roberto Peredo

ISBN:                                 9 798426 992283

FIRST EDITION:             2022

COUNTRY:                      Spain

LANGUAGES:                 Spanish


First-person narrated history of this mixture of Machiavelli and Alejandro Magno in the Pre-Columbian América that assists amazed the appearance of European men with cannons, horses and war dogs and steel swords.

Year 1505. Tlacaélel, on the last day of his 104 years, decides to empty his memory so that he does not lose himself in the oblivion of death.

Reading this book is knowing much about the history of the other worlds that comes only from the accounts of the victors. It is the story of the direct, deep and discarded power: Tlacaélel, formerly known as "The Dispossessed" and now "Lord of all the Lands " and High Priest of the Cihuacoátl, the Snake-Woman, decides to (literally) rewrite the history of its people.

The writing of Roberto Peredo is enormously poetic, precise, sensitive. And the history of the greatness of the Mexican empire and its everyday life, it catches you. Tlacaélel's personality makes us admire him until his cruelty, when he puts her at the service of the greatness of his people. Peredo introduces us into his mind and his feelings and identifies you with him, despite the cruelty of his actions.

“In front of so much destruction and death, ...Itzcoatl ordered to finish the butchery... I supported the deal, but not because of compassion. I don't remember ever feeling compassion. I was moved even higher interests."

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