TITLE: Luna’s eyes and the end of the Comets

AUTHOR: Javier Allard de Landa (J. Allard)



LANGUAGES: English, Spanish




Luna is hiding a mystery, and that mystery is matter of life or death, a secret which has forced her to live isolated her entire life. But the time has come for her to escape that seclusion, and through her escape she will discover her identity, love, and an entire world which she has been denied for so many years.


Who am I? Where am I from? What do I believe in? What is love? These are some questions that Luna will answer for herself as she travels throughout Europe on her way to find the prophecy that has always haunted her.


A young adult novel full of romance, mystery, and adventure!



Rights contact: Javier Allard de Landa

WHATSAPP: +52 55 8233 5415

EMAIL: contacto@javierallard.com  /  allardjavi@gmail.com

WEBSITE: www.javierallard.com