TITLE: Tere´s Hummingbird

AUTHOR: Teresa Falcón

ISBN: 979845536959





Through her travels and for chance of fate Colibrí suddenly discovered  she could write both in prose and verse; not very brilliantly, but it was her own voice. So now, during  this quarentine because of the pandemic, Colibrí decided to shake the chests of her memories to present her book, amazed  to have written it and gratefull to the great artists she knew who revealed their faces without masks . Colibrí also thanks her family and all of her friends who encouraged her to publish her book.

Tere Colibrí (hummingbird) is a “revered elderly woman”, prouly mexican, who describes herself this way because her mother and her mother´s elderly friends decreed that one becomes a revered elderly woman when she reaches the age of seventy . Since she is now older than that she must accept, by decree, such designation. She is a Psychologist with three years of sudies in medicine and worked for the National Autonomous University of Mexico during thirty years, now retired.

 She was fortunate to have worked in the Deparment of Cultural Promotion where she got to know many great Latin American authors, musicians and painters such as Julio Cortázar, Juan José Arreola, Efraín Huerta, José Luis Cuevas, Ricardo Garibay, Mario Benedetti  and  Mario Lavista, among others. As she became aquainted with them, she realized that sometimes their talent  did not correspond with the individual because some of their artistic creations contradicted their actions;  after all they were human. A lesson that helped Colibrí to value herself. These great artists that overwhelmed her were of flesh and bones, we can all have faults but nonetheless be talented also, one just needs to discover it.



WHATSAPP: +52 81 10092792

EMAIL: tere.f.h@outlook.com

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009424256727