Title: Heart of Atlantis

Author: Liam Grand


First Edition: Never Printed 

Country: Mexico/Canada

Languages: English Only (at this time)

Synopsis:      A man relives his life as his New Wife and himself are on their Honeymoon vacation. They are at this location to bury their only child whom has died from cancer. During this journey of life and coping with her death, Aiden and Claire relive past memories of how they arrived to this very day and how they will move forward together as a couple. This is a story of Love, compassion, regrets and guilt; with the final outcome that was always known. Then forgiveness, healing and renewal; while remembering the child they lost and honoring her last wishes.

Rights Contact: Gary Grant 

Whatsapp: +52 844 186 5275

Email: g.r.grantmba@gmail.com

TikTok: @liamgrandwriter

Twitter: @liamgrandwriter

Instagram: liamgrand_writer

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiamGrandWriter

Website: www.liamgrand.com