Title: This is not me

Subtitle: My destiny is you.

Author: Keyla Ybarra

First edition: 2021

Country: Mexico

Language: Spanish

Do you prefer the good guy or the bad guy?  What if you had both in one?

Upon arriving in Mexico City, Roxanna Rivera meets Bruce Smeke, a biker, who turns out to be a changeable boy, sometimes going from being tender and considerate, to being a complete master of sarcasm and self-centeredness.

Rox can't understand what's going on with him and his random mood swings, feeling that she loves two different people being the same one, despite that, she can't help but fall for him.

What she does not know is that Smeke is not who he seems to be, he has a great secret, a lie, that he will get bigger and bigger and it won't way to turn back.

This is not myself, this is the clear example that chance does not exist in destiny.

 The beginning of a great quest to discover IF MY DESTINY IS YOU


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