SUBTITLE: Shoe Dealer, A memoir

AUTHOR: Nazri Andonie Pader





In my book, “El Zapatero” (Shoe Dealer), I narrate my life experiences since childhood. I talk about my school years, my family and how I started to work in the family business.


I mention my studies: First, primary school in Spanish, and then five years attending the American School of Tampico, my homeland, and one more year at the Holding Institute of Laredo, Texas, where I graduated from high school.


Next, I talk about my family and how I started working in my father’s family business, buying and selling shoes by the dozen, wholesale at low prices to customers in Tampico and surrounding towns. The growing business motivated our carrying the shoe samples in two large suitcases that weighed over 35 kgs. So we visited our clients and showed the samples and we wrote the purchase orders for 12 or more pairs, styles, and numbers or measures.


In those years, there were no paved roads, and we had to cross rivers in rustic wooden ferries or boats. Bridges did not exist in those early years.


An important part of our business requirements was to visit Mexico´s most important manufacturer of hand-made shoes in the star shoe city of LEON in the state of Guanajuato.


To state the difference between those difficult years, I can tell you that we began buying less than five thousand pairs of shoes in a trip to Leon, compared to our today`s purchases through the magic three generations, with the inclusion of my three sons: we surpassed numbers and volumes into millions of pairs a year.


My father, Mina Andonie, was a Palestinian emigrant who arrived in Tampico after a forty-day ocean crossing in the 1920’s, just after the end of World War I, when Palestine was under Turkish dominion.


Details surrounding this story appear in my book, with innumerable circumstances overcoming great events and having learned and lived gorgeous and surreal, venturous moments.


I am thankful for my family’s effort and perseverance throughout this part of my life. And for the participation of all the people who took part in the creation of a small business that had a metamorphosis forming a chain that now provides almost two thousand direct jobs for our collaborators.


RIGHTS CONTACT: Nazri Andonie Pader

EMAIL: auxdireccion@impuls.com.mx

PHONE: 52 +818-1300-506