TITLE: The boy of the noria (waterwheel)
AUTHOR: Patricia Laborde García
ISBN: 970-94827-0-X
REGISTRATION NUMBER: 03-2008-032714363500-01
This is the story of a passion, of an uprooting. Of a human being divided between the strong call of the blood and the moral commitment towards those who rescued him from a life of misery and desolation.
But how do they find the way back without a reliable track?
A recurring nightmare seems to be the only way out to discover the answers about the strange origin of Nicolás.
A trip from New York to San Luis Potosí, in Mexico, is necessary in order to unveil the mystery that has wrapped, mercilessly, the existence of Filomena Mendoza and Hidelbrando Castrejón’s only son, whose destiny was woven with the weak threads of a love doomed from the start.
Loneliness, disappointment, disagreements, madness, death, all this, intricately part of this book that seems alive, because it beats, with a diastole and systole that enchant the reader with the rhythm of its incomparable beat.
The mind tries to forget, but the heart insists.
RIGHTS CONTACT: Patricia Laborde García
WHATSAPP: + 52 81 1258 3119
EMAIL: patlaborde@hotmail.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/paty.laborde/