TITLE:                           The man who decided to become intelligent

SUBTITLE:                       -

AUTHOR:                         Sergio Dantí Mira

ISBN:                                 9 788412 538274

FIRST EDITION:             2015

COUNTRY:                      SPAIN                             

LANGUAGES:                 SPANISH

SYNOPSIS:      In a secluded neighbourhood of Barcelona, a select group of enthusiasts and parochial spontaneous of the bar "The shortage", headed by Poncio, decides to leave on a risky journey to the Royal Palace of Madrid, to get Queen Letizia to help them save humanity.

Thus, they embark on a journey full of adventures, surprises, encounters with security services (of the Mosque, of the Royal Palace and others), including the rarer “besamanos” in the history of monarchies. But they will strive to achieve their objectives and destroy the sinister plane of eggs and their hens.


RIGHTS CONTACT:       soniagg1965@gmail.com

WHATSAPP:                   +34629131168

EMAIL:                             SERGIDANTI@HOTMAIL.COM

FACEBOOK:                    https://www.facebook.com/volverseinteligente

YOUTUBE:                       https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCooJ5mxeZv2ahbVTmIhmb0A

WEBSITE:                        BiblioMusiCineteca Edicions (llibresedicions.blogspot.com)