TITLE: Echoes from the past

AUTHOR: María Magdalena Tafich de León

ISBN: pending



LA NGUAGE: English



Times change. So do values and education. However, to many women –regardless of social class, level of education, race, or geographic zone–, conditions remain the same as the fifties.

Mia’s story is one of the many that have contributed to blaze a trail towards important changes, where women figure has evolved from meek and obedient wife to a powerful and influential entrepreneur, despite of gender violence, of derides to her efforts for succeeding in life and the social scorn for the crime to choose not to live under a husband’s wing.

Plenty of women are still prey of understatement just for being such, and also of the reification incited by the sexism that still prevails within most world’s societies. And even though during the past half century women rights had strengthen, certainly there’s still a long road to get recognized the utter worth of our gender.

I desire that this story may be of inspiration, both for men and women, to contribute to make this journey of life something beauty and useful; to be revealing –for those who still doesn’t know it– of the intrinsic worth we have as human beings and to understand that self-respect is a value to which we are entitled… no matter what others say.



RIGHTS CONTACT: María Magdalena Tafich de León

WHATSAPP: +52 1 844 455 1970

EMAIL: mmtafich@hotmail.com