TITLE:                               NAKED YOU ARE BLUE

SUBTITLE:                       LIKE THE NIGHT IN CUBA

AUTHOR:                         Belén Rojas Guardia

ISBN:                                 9 788412-538298

FIRST EDITION:             2017

SECOND EDITION :       2022

COUNTRY:                      Spain

LANGUAGES:                 Spanish


An enterprising love story, a turbulent year 1989, an investigation into a real death penalty case. The collapse of the Soviet Union, the consolidation of drug trafficking in Latin America, the new international order.

Riddled of complaints about the world that we have had to live in, the novel describes the fragility of our convictions in the face of the problem of human rights. A book where real estate and fiction intersect each other, creating a set of ideas that will lead to a deep reflection on life, love and politics.


RIGHTS CONTACT: BiblioMusiCineteca Edicions

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EMAIL: la.biblio1@gmail.com

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WEBSITE: BiblioMusiCineteca Edicions (llibresedicions.blogspot.com)