TITLE: The Way I Want to Be

AUTHOR: Macrina González

ISBN: 978-098-85-0520-9

SECOND EDITION: Second Edition 2019





The book "Así quiero estar" (The Way I Want to Be) is a book inspired by God and written in poem format by Macrina. Being now a 79 year old lady, Macrina remembers how God inspired her when she started to write at the age of 48. And how for many years after, she would read, re-read and edit her writings many times, until one day the time came when God gave the instances and opportunities for her writings to become a book, which is this one you are holding in your hands... Her intentions are for you to enjoy it, but more than that, for you to live it.

RIGHTS CONTACT: Macrina González

TELEPHONE: 81 8366 5337

EMAIL: macrinagzz@gmail.com