Check out this book at Booth Number 5.0 B122 - FRANKFURTER BUCHMESSE October 18-22, 2023

Title: One Step to Death, The Miracle

Subtitle: The Story That Is Making The World Cry

Author: Emma Ferrusquia

ISBN-10: 1640860649

First Edition: 2017

Country: USA

Languages: Spanish, English (2024)


One Step To Death, The Miracle: The Story That is Making The World Cry is an inspirational and motivational, real life story that will make you laugh, cry, and learn how to value life in a very special way. What makes this book so special? Accidents, brain hemorrhages, heart attacks, infarct, paralysis, and being without memory for many years. A totally deformed body and numerous symptoms that, apparently, had no explanation. I had only 3 months to live!

Emma Ferrusquia was a girl that grew up with constant insults, beatings, and abuse by her mom since she was 3 years old. She grew up with 3 brothers, and 8 sisters. Her dad was a drunk, smoker, and a womanizer. Emma grew up very poorly and there was always a lot of fighting. At 8 years old, Emma had to do laundry, go to work with her dad to unload construction materials like brick, gravel, cement, etc, and do house chores in order to go to school. Emma lived in hell, but escaped this hell at a young age.

Emma worked and studied, but unfortunately, she was sexual abused and had a baby boy. Emma finished her studies through mail, but was not officially valid. She also worked as a general cashier for a big store chain doing accounting and taking inventory at other stores. Emma moved to the land of opportunity, Los Angeles, CA in 1985 to live another hell. She didn't know anybody, worked at various jobs, and studied electronic technology, but due to not having any experience, was not hired anywhere. Emma began to work in construction for $16.65 the hour while minimum wage at that time was $3.25 the hour. In her free time, she also did modeling and participated in various fashion shows. She continued to work in construction for 18 years. Emma is a survivor of heart attack, infarct, brain hemorrhage, and was paralyzed from the waist down for many years. She suffered an accident that made her lose her memory for 7 years. Emma worked in construction 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, and worked at a casino 8 hours a

day, 6 days a week. Emma birthed one more boy and one more girl. Her children were her motivation to work even harder. Emma's son was born with ingrown nails and had to pay $76,000 in surgeries. Emma got so sick in 2008 that she was give only 3 months left to live. She put up with the abuse and insults of those among her, including 4 different doctors that told her that whatever she did, she was going to die. The doctors treated her like trash and as if she was crazy.

Emma had the unconditional care from her daughter, Teddy who began to care for her since she was 5 years old. Thanks to her daughter, Emma was not sent to a mental hospital. Emma and her daughter did different treatments, therapies, experiments, etc. In 2010, Emma began to recuperate the first images of her memory and began to take small steps. Although she is not 100% well, Emma looks like a completely normal person.

Discover for yourself the grand secret that this story contains!

Rights Contact: Emma Ferrusquia

Whatsapp: (626)497-8958




Website: N/